# 2012/5/25 # for Python v3.x import os import sys import re import time import urllib.request # DEFAULT PARAMETERS: # ++++++++++++++++++++++ MAX_DEPTH_NUM = 5 # The "depth" means that how many times you follow the link tree in web pages. # You can override the default MAX_DEPTH_NUM by the second argument of the script. MIN_ACCESS_INTERVAL_SEC = 0 # n seconds. 0 is recommended if MAX_ROBOTS_CACHE_NUM > 0. URL_PROXY_DICT = {} # A dictionary of protocols and proxies. # Example: URL_PROXY_DICT = {"http":""} EXC_EXTENSIONS_RESTR = "gif|png|bmp|jpg|jpeg|img|mov|mpg|mpeg|avi|exe|gz|zip|css|pdf|rdf" # A string of file extensions to be excluded from the robot exploration. # List file extensions that you want to exlude by the regular expression OR ('|'). # The robot will not follow web links to files of these extensions. # Case incensitive. HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT_SEC = 3 # n seconds. MAX_COLLECTED_URLS_NUM = 0 # Slice the collected_urls to the MIN. no slice if it is 0. MIN_COLLECTED_URLS_NUM = 0 # Valid only when MAX_COLLECTED_URLS_NUM > 0. MAX_ROBOTS_CACHE_NUM = 10000 # How many robots.txts you cache. # No robots.txt check if it is 0. MY_ROBOT_NAME_STR = 'Python3-urllib' # ++++++++++++++++++++++ # FUNCTIONS: def make_robots_check_func(my_robot_name, url_opener, robots_timeout=5, max_cache=10000): ''' Called in get_urls(). A higher-order function that returns sub-function that checks robots.txt and returns check results. The higher-order function is used to set default values and keep parameters for the sub-fucntions, as a kind of closure. The same thing could be implemented by a class. But I don't like using class to work out just a simple thing. ''' import fnmatch baseurl_re = re.compile('(https?://[^/]+)', re.I) robots_dict = {} robots_re = re.compile('(User-agent: *)([^\s#]+)(.*\n)((?:.+\n?)+)', re.I) robots_rule_line_re = re.compile('^(Disallow|Crawl-delay): *([^\s#]+).*$', re.I | re.M) tagCanFetch = 'can-fetch' tagDisallow = 'disallow' tagCrawlDelay = 'crawl-delay' tagBaseUrl = 'base-url' tagRobotsDict = 'robots-dict' def check_robots(url): can_fetch = True baseurl = baseurl_re.match(url).group(1) if len(robots_dict) > max_cache: robots_dict.clear() if max_cache > 0: if not baseurl in robots_dict: robots_dict[baseurl] = {tagCrawlDelay:0, tagDisallow:[]} try: got_robots_txt = url_opener.open(baseurl + '/robots.txt', timeout=robots_timeout) got_robots_cont = got_robots_txt.read().decode('utf-8') applied_rules = '' for m in robots_re.finditer(got_robots_cont): if fnmatch.fnmatch(my_robot_name, m.group(2)): applied_rules = m.groups()[3] break elif m.group(2) == '*': applied_rules = m.groups()[3] if applied_rules != '': for rdm in robots_rule_line_re.finditer(applied_rules): if rdm.group(1).lower() == tagCrawlDelay and rdm.group(2).isdigit(): robots_dict[baseurl][tagCrawlDelay] = int(rdm.group(2)) if rdm.group(1).lower() == tagDisallow: robots_dict[baseurl][tagDisallow].append(rdm.group(2).lower()) except: pass else: robots_dict[baseurl] = {tagCrawlDelay:0, tagDisallow:[]} if robots_dict[baseurl][tagDisallow]: for rls in robots_dict[baseurl][tagDisallow]: if rls == '/' or fnmatch.fnmatch(url.lower(), baseurl.lower() + rls + '*'): can_fetch = False return {tagCanFetch:can_fetch, tagBaseUrl:baseurl, tagCrawlDelay:robots_dict[baseurl][tagCrawlDelay], tagRobotsDict:robots_dict } return check_robots def get_urls(start_url, max_depth, default_interval_sec, url_proxy, exc_extensions, http_request_timeout, min_collected_urls_num, max_collected_urls_num, my_robot_name, max_robots_num): urls = [(start_url, 0)] # the array of tuple(url, link_depth). urls alread got. collected_urls = [start_url.rstrip("/")] # a list of already got urls that include all urls that were still not retrieved. href_re = re.compile("href=\"(https?://[^\'\">]+)\"", re.I) exsuffixre = re.compile("\\.(" + exc_extensions + ")$", re.I) # getting OpenerDirector object instance. op = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.ProxyHandler(url_proxy)) rb_func = make_robots_check_func(my_robot_name, op, max_cache=max_robots_num) while len(urls) > 0: target = urls.pop() collected_urls_length = len(collected_urls) try: # checking robots.txt and access permission from this robot. rb_result = rb_func(target[0]) can_fetch = rb_result['can-fetch'] base_url = rb_result['base-url'] robots_dict = rb_result['robots-dict'] crawl_delay = robots_dict[base_url]['crawl-delay'] if not can_fetch: raise ValueError(''.format(base_url)) elif crawl_delay > http_request_timeout: raise ValueError(''.format(crawl_delay, base_url)) elif crawl_delay > 0: interval_sec = crawl_delay print(''.format(crawl_delay, target[0]), file=sys.stderr, end=os.linesep) else: interval_sec = default_interval_sec time.sleep(interval_sec) with op.open(target[0], timeout=http_request_timeout) as got_req: # OpenerDirector.open(url, data, timeout) print('[depth-now={0}:unexplored-url-links={1}:checked-urls={2}:robots.txt-cache={3}] {4}'.format(target[1], len(urls), collected_urls_length, len(robots_dict), target[0]), end=os.linesep) reqi = got_req.info() depth_now = target[1] if depth_now < int(max_depth) and reqi.get_content_type().find("text") >= 0: chset = reqi.get_charsets()[0] if chset: got_page = got_req.read().decode(chset) else: got_page = str(got_req.read()) for matched_url in href_re.finditer(got_page): # as read() returns bytes. 3.x is stricter than v2.x in the point. if matched_url: got_url = matched_url.group(1) else: continue if not exsuffixre.search(got_url): if not got_url.rstrip("/") in collected_urls: urls.append((got_url, depth_now + 1)) if 0 < max_collected_urls_num < collected_urls_length: cidx = collected_urls_length - min_collected_urls_num collected_urls[:] = collected_urls[cidx:] collected_urls.append(got_url.rstrip("/")) # else: # print(''.format(got_url), file=sys.stderr, end=os.linesep) # else: # print(''.format(got_url), file=sys.stderr, end=os.linesep) except KeyboardInterrupt: return except (Exception, BaseException) as e: print(str(e) + ": " + target[0], file=sys.stderr) continue #raise get_urls(sys.argv[1], MAX_DEPTH_NUM if len(sys.argv) <= 2 else sys.argv[2], MIN_ACCESS_INTERVAL_SEC, URL_PROXY_DICT, EXC_EXTENSIONS_RESTR, HTTP_REQ_TIMEOUT_SEC, MIN_COLLECTED_URLS_NUM, MAX_COLLECTED_URLS_NUM, MY_ROBOT_NAME_STR, MAX_ROBOTS_CACHE_NUM )